Dear admin,
A dealer told me that 600 VA inverter will not support Exide IT 500 tall tubular battery for charging. So he prefers 800 VA inverter for no breakdown of UPS & battery and less maintenance.
Whether it is true? Please give me a detail information.
J.Senthil Kumar
Dear Senthil,
It’s a Myth. As far as Microtek 600 va inverter is concerned, it charges the IT500 (150 ah battery) very well like 860 va inverter.
As per Microtek’s product specification,
Microtek 600 VA inverter – Charging current – 6.5 amp
Microtek 860 VA inverter – Charging current – 9 amp
You know, these values are not not accurate, actually microtek inverters adjust their charging current according to attached battery. We personally tested the charging current values of 600 and 860 VA inverters, both inverters charge the battery with more amp rating than the company’s specifications.
Microtek 600 va inverter has a Constant Charging facility Approx 10% of The Rated Battery Current in AH. If you attach 150 ah (IT500) to 600 VA inverter, it will charge the battery up to 15 amp rate.