5 Best Practices to Extend Your Inverter Battery Life


There are several best practices to extend the life of a lead-acid battery:

  1. Keep the battery charged:

    A lead-acid battery should be kept in a fully charged state as much as possible. This can be achieved by an inbuilt charging mechanism in an inverter that is connected to a grid power supply or by using a solar panel.

  2. Avoid deep discharges:

    Deep discharges, where the battery is discharged below 50%, can damage the battery and reduce its overall life. Never push your inverter battery to its limit. Moderate use is always recommended.

  3. Avoid high temperatures:

    High temperatures can accelerate the aging of a lead-acid battery, so it is best to keep the battery in a cool, dry place. Do not keep your battery in an enclosed space. In Indian climatic conditions during summer, your inverter batteries are more prone to damage due to excess heat.

  4. Avoid prolonged storage:

    If a lead-acid battery will not be used for an extended period of time, it should be stored in a fully charged state and should be checked and charged periodically to prevent sulfation. If you are planning a long vacation, make sure your battery is fully charged and your inverter is connected to grid power. Do not cut the power supply to your inverter when you leave for vacation.

  5. Check the water level:

    Lead-acid batteries require water to function properly, so it is important to check the water level regularly and add distilled water as needed. Most distilled water bottles available in local shops are normal ground water with high TDS level. Better you check the TDS level before using it, or you can simply use your house hold RO water with TDS below 5 PPM.

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